Add Alludo Mobile App

Alludo is a progressive web application, which means that it behaves like an application you download from the app store without having to download it from app store. Progressive web applications are relatively new in web development and different manufacturers support the standard differently. Android support is better than iOS support. To use Alludo as an app on your mobile device, all you need to do is Add It To Your Home Screen. 

Android-based Devices

When you first sign into Alludo on a mobile Chrome browser, you will be prompted to add Alludo to your home screen. Once you add Alludo to your home screen it will behave like an Android-native application including support for push notifications.

iOS Devices

Apple does not support the PWA standard to the same extent as Android. For example, push notifications are not supported on iOS. However, when you add Alludo to your home screen it will behave like an iOS native application. 

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