District Dashboard

Access the District Dashboard from the Analytics Page

The District Dashboard provides you with a quick, visual representation of all of the activity at your district. The graphs under the number tell the story over the time period. Hover over the chart to see a little more detail behind the top line numbers.

Numbers and Charts

  • Learner Engagement - the count of engaged learners (learners who submitted at least one activity) over the specified time period. The chart shows a count of learners engaged over the time period. Hover over the chart to view specific counts over the time period.
  • Hours Count - the total hours (estimated time to complete) of completed activities over the specified time period. The chart shows a count of hours earned over the time period. Hover over the chart to view specific counts over the time period.
  • Pending Activities - the number of activities pending approval. The chart shows a count of pending activities over the time period. Hover over the chart to view specific counts over the time period.
  • Completed Activities - the number of activities completed (approved) over the time period. The chart shows a count of completed activities over the time period. Hover over the chart to view specific counts over the time period.
  • Completed Missions - the number of missions completed over the time period. The chart shows a count of completed missions over the time period. Hover over the chart to view specific counts over the time period.
  • Completed Levels - the number of levels completed over the time period. The chart shows a count of completed levels over the time period. Hover over the chart to view specific counts over the time period.


  • District - you can select different districts (if you have access)
  • Time period - the time period for which you wish to review the dashboard

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