My Portfolio Overview

My Portfolio

In My Portfolio you will find the following information:
  • Lifetime Learning Statistics 
  • Recent Activity (Last 30 Days) Statistics 
  • My year of Learning
  • Badges
  • Learning History 

Lifetime Learning Statistics

In your portfolio at the top right are your Lifetime Learning Statistics from all Alludo games that you have participated in. 

  • Total Lifetime Learning Time - Shows a sum of all the time you have accumulated for completing learning activities in your Alludo games
  • Achievements - Shows the total number of learning activities that you have submitted and have been approved
  • Points- Shows the total number of points you have accumulated from completing learning activities
  • Badges- Shows the total number of mission and level badges you have earned. 
  • Missions- Shows the total number of Missions you have completed and earned the Mission Badge 
  • Levels - Shows the total number of Levels that you have completed and earned the Level Badge
  • Reviewed Activities (for admin and Achievement Reviewers) - Shows the number of learning activities that you have reviewed and approved

Recent Activity (Last 30 Days) Statistics 

Your recent activity list shows all of your learning statistics for the past 30 days. 

  • Learning Time - The learning time you have accumulated by completing learning activities
  • Activities - The number of learning activities that you have submitted and have been approved
  • Points - The number of points you have earned through submitting learning activities 
  • Missions - The number of Missions you have completed and earned the Mission Badge 
  • Levels - The number of Levels you have completed and earned the Level Badge

My Year of Learning

My Year of Learning shows you how many learning activities you have completed and how much time you have accumulated each month for the past year. 


The badges section can be broken down into two seperate sections.  Recent badges shows the last five badges you have earned.  Below Recent Badges are all of the badges that you have earned.  Open Badges can be downloaded from the Badges section of My Portfolio. 

Learning History

Learning History gives you a list view of all the learning activities that you have completed and the date they were approved.  It also shows you when you earned a Mission or Level Badge.

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