Copying from the Catalog

Navigate to the Catalog

Search or Browse for Activities, Missions, Levels, or Games

You can search for activities or you can browse games. To search, type in what you are looking for and click Search. Searching will return individual activities that you can copy. Note - you can select multiple activities at a time from a given page to copy. However, you cannot select activities across pages to copy.

To browse, select the district that you want to browse.

Select the Game You Wish to Copy From

Select the Activities, Missions, Levels to Copy

You can copy individual activities, entire missions, or entire levels. When you select a level, you will be prompted for the game to copy the level to. When you select a mission, you will be prompted for the game and level you wish to copy the mission to. When you select individual activities, you will need to select the game, level, and mission you wish to copy the activities to.

Selecting Location to Copy Activities To

If you select individual activities to copy - from previous step - then you need to select the game, level, and mission to copy the activities to.

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