Mission Page Overview
Mission Page Overview
Missions are collections of activities usually related by a similar topic. Mission cards are denoted by the two-circle icon in the top left of the card.
You are brought to a missions page by clicking on an accessible level. The Mission's page contains three basic areas:
- Level Summary Information
- All the Missions for that Level
- Level Specific Message Board (if enabled)
Level Summary Information
The level summary section summarizes level information for you:
- Time Completed - the time you have accumulated completing activities in the level
- Points - the points you have earned completing activities in the level
- Minimum Points Required - the minimum number of points needed to complete the level
- Total Points Possible - the maximum number of points you can earn in the level
- Badge - the badge you can earn when you complete the level
Missions - denoted by the two-circle icon - Missions collect activities into similar topics. You navigate to a mission's activities by clicking on the orange arrow action button on the mission card. When you complete all the minimum requirements for a mission, the mission card action button changes to a green check.
The mission card contains four key elements:
- The name of the mission
- The badge you can earn when for completing the mission
- The points you have earned completing mission activities
- The time you have accumulated completing mission activities