
Playlists are a way for you to collect lists of activities. They can be public or private so you can build a list of activities for your personal use or you can build a list and share with people.

Reporting (coming soon)

Playlist reporting is straightforward. You can see all the people who have completed a playlist and all the people who have not completed the playlist.

Playlist Communication (coming soon)

You can communicate with the people following a playlist using Broadcast emails. You will be able to send broadcast emails to the poeple who have completed a playlist and to those who have not completed a playlist.

Playlist Permissions

There is one important note about playlists. You can build and share playlists with anyone in your organization but the person must have permission to complete the underlying activities included in the playlist. The person must be enrolled in the course before they can access the activities. Sharing a playlist does not grant access to the activity.

If the person does not have access they will see a lock icon next to the activity in the playlist.

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