Create a playlist

To create a playlist, click on Create Playlist

Once you click Create Playlist you are presented with the basic information you need to create the playlist.

  1. Visibility - a playlist is public, unlisted, protected, or private. 
    1. Private playlists are available only to you. 
    2. Unlisted playlists are publicly available but do not appear in the playlist library - you must explicitly share the playlist. 
    3. Protected playlists are explicitly shared with specific groups
    4. Public playlists can be viewed (and followed) by everyone.
  2. Name - the name of the playlist
  3. Tags - use tags to categorize your playlists
  4. Description - the description that people will see when viewing your playlist.
  5. Open badge criteria - when people complete a playlist then can earn an open badge. In order to provide an open badge you need to provide the criteria that was required to earn the badge. E.g., completed all the activities in the playlist.
    1. Note, you need to follow the playlist in order to earn the badge.
  6. Cover - the image that will appear in the playlist tile.
  7. Badge - the image of the badge that a person earns when completing the playlist.

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