Adding Group Members with Direct Upload

If you have a lot of people you wish to add to a group - including people who have not sign into Alludo yet - then adding groups with direct upload is a good solution for you. With direct upload, you provide a comma separated values (CSV) formatted text file with four headings. Below is an example of a CSV file built using Excel.

  • givenName - the first name of the person
  • familyName - the last name of the person
  • email - the person's email address
  • orgSourcedId - the sourced ID of the school you wish to assign the person to if they are not already assigned to a school. Note, if you do not know the person's school, you are not required to populate this data (you still need to column heading).

Click here to download Direct Upload Template

Once you have built out this file it is now time to add the people as members to your group. Navigate to the group you wish to add them to and select the Members tab.

Select Import and you will be prompted for the file you just created. Once you select the file, the upload begins and the file is generally processed in a few seconds - depending on the number of people in the file. If there are any errors, you will receive an email with the error details.

You can reuse the file for uploading people to multiple groups as needed.


While the column heading is required, data for orgSourcedId is optional. If you do not provide the information in the CSV file and the people are brand new to Alludo then they will be asked to select their school when the sign in the first time. You can select the orgSourcedId of the school the people belong to make signing in their first time easier.

To find the orgSourcedId of your schools, navigate to Admin Page.  Select Schools or Groups, then click on the school/group that you want to add the users to, and then copy and paste the appropriate school/group Sourced ID for the people you wish to add.

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